Get ready for the holidays and boost your immune system with an 8 occasion extra tone & tightening program with K. Judit & Edit!
The training program is varied, and the classes consist of more intense cardio and more concentrated strengthening sections, this way, the stretching in the end gets more emphasis as well.
Week 1, 16:00-17:00: - 06/12 Monday: Core power+miniband buttocks muscles - 08/12 Wednesday: X-Co + Lunges combinations - 10/12 Friday: Rubber band core
Week 2, 16:00-17:00: - 13/12 Monday: Slide intervall + disk weight and upper body - 15/12-17/12 Wednesday, Friday: 4 beat exercises and disk weight strengthening
Week 3, 16:00-17:00: - 20/12-22/12 Monday, Wednesday: Holiday weight party, miniband core
We collected the most effective exercises, so that we could start on a real goal oriented final countdown before the end of the year together!
As a bonus, there is a surprise body-fat measurement for free both before and after the program! The first measurement will happen right before the first class, between 3-4 o'clock. For this, please do not forget to reserve a date using any of the contact informations below: - - messenger - +36 20 539 00 00
Participation fee: - Normal price: 9.600,-HUF (8 occasion pass), 1.490,-HUF (1 time pass) - Student price: 8.800,-HUF (8 occasion pass), 1.390,-HUF(1 time pass)
- Or participate in the program using you already valid pass!
Come and let"s spend december together! Do for your health and prepare for the holiday with us in an amazing party feeling!
